Nurturing Children

Inspiring Joyful Interactions with Laughter, Love and Kindness.

Keynote speaker, author, early years trainer, teacher.

Programmes and Workshops

These programmes and offerings are designed to help children improve their behaviour, calm their minds and excite their creativity resulting in increased joy.

How many books did you read about your baby, your toddler, or your growing child?

We are only ever a couple of clicks away from an array of information on children. Across the world, there are guidelines on how to nurture the under 7. But when your child seems out of balance and doesn’t follow the natural pattern of development, it can be really worrying and often overwhelming.

Isn’t every human being unique and special? Indeed, and we all want joyful, kind and happy children, don’t we?

But parenting and indeed teaching, doesn’t come with a handbook. In practice, all children are unique and special and even the training given to professionals doesn’t seem to reflect how many children develop. But I do believe that tuning into children, showing them, they matter, coupled with kindness and my 40-plus years can help you.

Here I share ideas that have been successfully implemented to develop those emotional bonds in scores of schools – the READIT2 programme, the Discovery Packs and a plethora of other ideas.

For Professionals and Families

A one-to-one reading programme training adults to inspire children to love to read and learn, enabling all pre-schoolers to enter school as reading equals.

If you are concerned that early screen exposure is impairing some children’s development, the Readit2 YouTube channel shares some impacts of excessive screen use and ways of getting young children to love books and reading.

Interested in participating in the Readit2 programme?

The YouTube channel, Stories with Sarah, is dedicated to inspiring professionals and families to enjoy being present with children. Clips include a collection of stories read dialogically, ideas to inspire early bonding and moments of peace in nature for busy people.

Get your upcycled, recycled and hand-made discovery packs made for ‘little hands and big minds’ here. Discover approaches to teaching and learning based on first-hand experiences, nurturing children to play, think and learn with curiosity.

Interested in purchasing some Discovery Packs? Prices from £10 a pack!

Other Offerings

I offer keynotes, training, workshops, consultancy and one-to-one family consultations online and face-to-face, on removing/managing screen use from children, alongside wellbeing sessions and events in the beautiful Hertfordshire countryside for adults, and workshops in schools/settings, and at festivals.

Other Offerings

I offer:

  • One-to-one personal consultations, with families looking to find ways to connect with their children when reducing exposure to screens
  • Short videos with ideas for things to do with children in school and at home
  • Practical workshops training EY professionals on creativity with children
  • Online training and face-to-face training/workshops
A group of people sitting on the floor holding up cards.
A man and two children reading a book.


READIT2 is a one-to-one reading programme that trains adults to inspire children to love to read and learn. Implemented in scores of schools and EY settings across the UK.

Readit2: Ten Magic Minutes - Supporting Children to Love Books

A tried and tested effective early literacy programme that will improve the reading of all 3 - 7-year olds. At its core is the programme’s unique emphasis on the development of an emotional attachment to reading and learning; it is this daily one-to-one reading experience between a child and an expert practitioner that has been proven to make the difference.

Prof David Messer, from the OPEN UNIVERSITY, carried out this analysis of the data from a number of schools that had recently taken part in the programme with children in Nursery and Reception. The data reflects the impact on children in receipt of the EYPP and in many cases on the SEND register.

Encouraging information was that at the beginning of the study only 8% of the children recognised letters and 24% recognised their own name, four months later the respective figures were 65% and 84%

The data analysis following the daily intervention over a 4-month period showed significant impact in the following areas

  • Difficulty in keeping his/her interest (reduced)
  • Happy to talk about the books (increased)
  • Good mood at the end of the session (increased)
  • Completes sentence/fills in missing words (increased)
  • Points at words and letters (increased)


“Inspiring training with a wonderful tool to empower children to love to read and learn, the emotional approach has made a deep impact on my general view of teaching in the Early Years.”

EYFS practitioner 2017

“Readit2: the whole day has flowed so well, each part has had a really important place in the training. This training has really motivated our teachers, thank you”

Lottie Woolfson

Dep HT, Bernards Heath Infants, 2018

“Inspiring training with a wonderful tool to empower children to love to read and learn, the emotional approach has made a deep impact on my general view of teaching in the Early Years.”

EYFS practitioner 2017

“I want to thank you for your INSET on Tuesday, the Early Years Team and KS1 teachers were truly inspired and have already there is ‘physi/gym’ going on first thing in the morning. We look forward to implementing many strategies you have given us to motivate reluctant writers. We have all gained enormously from your experience and expertise on the subject, thank you.”

Hertfordshire HT

following INSET, 2019

“It's had such an impact so quickly. Children who were never previously interested in books and stories are seen spending time in the book corner and clambering to read with other children’s named Readit2 readers. We have also noticed increased levels of concentration, talk and interest in books.”

Lottie Woolfson

Dep HT, Bernards Heath Infants

“It’s fantastic, I love it, the child I’m reading with loves it too and the moment he sees me enter the classroom, he approaches me enthusiastically and goes and finds a copy of his favourite book. In such a short period of time, I have seen a massive improvement in his attention span and behaviour. I tell my Headteacher EVERY day how wonderful it is.”

Sharon Wood

SENCO, Bedwell Primary School

“Readit2 is pretty much one of the best things we have done….already in just 6 weeks, the impact it’s had has been phenomenal…..young disadvantaged children in our Nursery class are just so enthusiastic and motivated to read which they weren’t before….”

Richard Fordham

Headteacher, Roebuck Primary School, Stevenage, Herts 2016

“Readit2 is one of the most impactful ways we have spent our pupil premium grant to date. One case study worth sharing is a little boy who had 10 mins of Readit2 every day with the same member of staff from Reception to Year 2. He was chosen for this intervention because his learning across the board was delayed and we knew that if we could develop his vocabulary and confidence as a reader then this would only help him to access his wider learning. He had not had many quality experiences with books before coming to school and his mum reported that he was not particularly motivated to read at home.

This little boy and his Readit2 practitioner came to see me a few times over the years he was here to celebrate his accomplishments. Early on he 'read' Brown Bear to me off by heart and looked very proud of himself. He made his own puppets of Caveman Dave and told me the story using them and as he was about to leave Year 2 he came and read me his own school reading book because he had gone up another level. He is now at the Junior School and his reading continues to improve. His attitude to reading completely changed, he now views himself as a reader and shows an enjoyment in reading and being read to.

We know how important relationships are between teachers and learners and the practitioner who worked with this boy really was his champion. She, amongst others, was unsure at the beginning about the repetitive nature of Readit2; being limited to a small selection of texts. She went with it and invested her time and energy to giving him her best and making every session fun. She believed in Readit2 and this belief was strengthened as the child she supported went on growing and developing his vocabulary as a result of her input.

This is just one example of how Readit2 has impacted positively on the life of one child. There are many more. Reading really is a life skill that every child deserves to have the most positive experience of.”

Hannah Rimmer

Head teacher, Bernards Heath Infant and Nursery School, 7th October 2019

“We are continuing with Readit2 - we have found that it has helped our children feel more confident about coming into school. All children on the programme have shown an increased interest in books and an understanding of how books work. Some of our children have become so confident that they have shared their Readit 2 books with the class, taking on the role of reader. The children who accessed Readit 2 were chosen because they did not readily interact with books and a few had emotional difficulties coming to school. These children have all built up a good bond with their Readit 2 adults - which has helped them to be more confident in class.”


HT Icknield Walk First School


“Readit2 continues to empower children with confidence and self-esteem at both my centres.

 The children chosen to be part of the project are the ones who score low on FL scales for emotional well-being and involvement. Children look forward to their session with the same adult. The progress we have observed in terms of their emotional development is phenomenal especially as they are able to regulate their emotions better and additionally their language and literacy skills are developing. That secure attachment with their adult has given them the confidence which is apparent in other areas of their learning and development.”

Mary Myatt

in her book Curriculum: Gallimaufrey to Coherence

“Having the core books in multiple places has enabled the children to separate from their parent and manage transitions better.”

Mita Pandya

Executive Headteacher, Archway & Willow Children's Centre, Islington

“We all agreed it was an all-round enjoyable INSET Day, inspiring, well delivered and concise. My staff are very excited about getting Readit2 started and we all agree that it will be invaluable for our vulnerable children. Feedback from one member of staff - …Had an inspiring and educational day with Sarah, Readit2 Founder. Reading to and with your kids, our kids, anyone’s kids is one of the MOST important things you can do with a child. Give them the joy of literature, discovery and imagination. Set them up for life. This training and programme teach you to do it! Great work, Sarah!”

Jackie Morgan

Head, Kings Square Community Nursery, Islington, September 2016

“…interested and engaged the children...’”

“one child pointed to the question mark and asked what it was.”

“one child has already begun to finish the sentences.”

“...take ownership over the books and they want to read them to each other now...”

“It is clearly apparent that some children who have not always naturally engaged with books are more interested, excited and are prepared to talk about what they are seeing in the books”

“...reading has promoted lots of ‘letter talk’...”

“...Lots of interest in 2 books in particular from many children in the setting, they are recalling the story very accurately and even pointing to the words...”

“...several boys who previously were very rough with books are now showing high levels of interest and a greater respect for our books.”

“...Staff have noted that the focus group are beginning to point to the words as they read them.”

“One EAL child is very enthusiastically reading and pointing to the words in Dear Zoo and includes gesture & facial expression. Another child who struggles with focusing has really engaged well and often accesses the books during CIP, it has had a positive effect on his self-esteem and (sometimes!) his behaviour. He can recite the works of all three focus books with pride.”

“Several of our children regularly choose to look at these books during cip time and are transferring the language to their imaginative play :-)”

“vulnerable 2's……language development is snowballing with our children, many of whom had very little back in September, the changes are simply amazing (Nov)!”

“Readit2: the whole day has flowed so well; each part has had a really important place in the training. This training has really motivated our teachers, thank you.”

Lottie Woolfson

Dep HT, Bernards Heath Infants, 2018

“Inspiring training with a wonderful tool to empower children to love to read and learn, the emotional approach has made a deep impact on my general view of teaching in the Early Years.”

EYFS practitioner


 “We are continuing with Readit2 - we have found that it has helped our children feel more confident about coming into school. All children on the programme have shown an increased interest in books and an understanding of how books work. Some of our children have become so confident that they have shared their Readit 2 books with the class, taking on the role of reader. The children who accessed Readit 2 were chosen because they did not readily interact with books and a few had emotional difficulties coming to school. These children have all built up a good bond with their Readit 2 adults - which has helped them to be more confident in class.”


HT Icknield Walk First School

“Thank you so much for yesterday. I have heard so much positivity about Readit2 this morning. The TAs are ‘buzzing’ to get started and I have never heard such positive feedback about training before. So many staff have said how fabulous you were – so knowledgeable but also how well you explained everything: your enthusiasm, your understanding, and your engagement. I am so pleased I have managed to bring Readit2 to Stopsley.”


HT Stopsley Primary, Luton

“We are certainly seeing the impact of Readit2 already! The children love it. The adults love it. It is helping with the reading but also, hugely, with those other areas that you mention - up-skilling of TAs, helping with attachment issues; attachment awareness for staff and also supporting with our EAL learners.”


Roebuck Primary, Stevenage

“Readit2 – I really loved it – just the perfect ‘intervention’ that didn’t really seem like one at all – I mean that in a good way!”

Jan 2024

“It's had such an impact so quickly. Children who were never previously interested in books and stories are seen spending time in the book corner and clambering to read with other children named Readit2 readers. We have also noticed increased levels of concentration, talk and interest in books.”

Lottie Woolfson Dep HT

Bernards Heath Infants

“It’s fantastic, I love it, the child I’m reading with loves it too and the moment he sees me enter the classroom, he approaches me enthusiastically and goes and finds a copy of his favourite book. In such a short period of time, I have seen a massive improvement in his attention span and behaviour. I tell my Headteacher EVERY day how wonderful it is”.

Sharon Wood

SENCO, Bedwell Primary School

“Readit2 is pretty much one of the best things we have done… already in just 6 weeks, the impact it’s had has been phenomenal…young disadvantaged children in our Nursery class are just so enthusiastic and motivated to read which they weren’t before”


Stevenage 2016

“I can honestly say that is having an impact at Martins Wood despite only being in the very early stages. No wonder the schools already using it speak so highly of what has happened in their schools.

It isn't rocket science and many will think they can set it up for themselves but what has been of great value here is getting all the TAs together to talk about the reading experience and that has boosted their engagement with listening to and supporting reading across the whole school.”


Martinswood Primary School

Readit2 is one of the most impactful ways we have spent our pupil premium grant to date. One case study worth sharing is a little boy who had 10 mins of Readit2 every day with the same member of staff from Reception to Year 2. He was chosen for this intervention because his learning across the board was delayed and we knew that if we could develop his vocabulary and confidence as a reader then this would only help him to access his wider learning. He had not had many quality experiences with books before coming to school and his mum reported that he was not particularly motivated to read at home.

This little boy and his Readit2 practitioner came to see me a few times over the years he was here to celebrate his accomplishments. Early on he 'read' Brown Bear to me off by heart and looked very proud of himself. He made his own puppets of Caveman Dave and told me the story using them and as he was about to leave Year 2 he came and read me his own school reading book because he had gone up another level. He is now at the Junior School and his reading continues to improve. His attitude to reading completely changed, he now views himself as a reader and shows an enjoyment in reading and being read to.

We know how important relationships are between teachers and learners and the practitioner who worked with this boy really was his champion. She, amongst others, was unsure at the beginning about the repetitive nature of Readit2; being limited to a small selection of texts. She went with it and invested her time and energy to giving him her best and making every session fun. She believed in Readit2 and this belief was strengthened as the child she supported went on growing and developing his vocabulary as a result of her input.

This is just one example of how Readit2 has impacted positively on the life of one child. There are many more. Reading really is a life skill that every child deserves to have the most positive experience of.”


Bernards Heath Infant and Nursery School 2019

“Excellent subject knowledge and enthusiasm of trainer. Lots of great video clips and a good balance of theory/activities and practical advice.”

Cassie Evans

EYFS Co-ordinator, Creswick Primary

“Loved learning the theories and psychology and getting in touch with the emotional side of reading.”

Kelly Neicho

EYFS practitioner at Readit2 School

“The training has made me really reflect on my own practice and think about how I support children and develop a love of reading. It made me really think about how we must encourage an emotional attachment to reading.”

EYFS teacher

Dunholme St Chads, Lincoln

Discovery Packs

A box full of creative potential for little hands with big minds, recycled, upcycled, handmade and unique.   

A treasure trove of goodies jam-packed into colourful little boxes, made for little hands with big curious minds…

Interested in purchasing some Discovery Packs? Prices from £10 a pack!

Planned with ‘Intent’ for Children to:

  • Develop their early reading skills
  • Increase their vocabulary
  • Explore nature
  • Develop characteristics of effective learning
  • Explore first-hand everyday resources superseded by tech
  • Explore early philosophical thinking
  • Explore mathematical language, numbers, simple data handling skills
  • Make up their own stories, draw and develop their creativity.

Has your child recently started school?

Are you curious as to what schools wish your child to be able to do?

Do you find yourself spending more time than you would like on your devices – at work and for leisure? Do you have a Kindle? A Satnav? A smartphone? Have you replaced these for the cookery book, the map and the book...?

Do you find it difficult to pull your child away from a device?

Devices are created to draw people in, to get them hooked. Some of us rarely use recipe books, map books, paper tickets any more.

This can mean that today’s children don’t witness adults write, or read apart from on a device.

Children learn and become what they see the important adults in their lives say and do.

These Discovery packs contain a range of examples of everyday print to prompt conversation and support children to understand why reading and writing are important. A ‘crazy/silly’ question encourages conversation, counting, data handling and thinking, all skills required of children when they start school and are great ways to embed teaching.

Stories with Sarah - Free Resource

I love reading stories with children and throughout my long career have at all times championed the daily story time for all primary classes. Picture books are amazing resources for ALL. I believe STORYTIME to be the one primary educational activity that ALL children can access and I believe it to be the bedrock of the school day.

Literacy-orientated pre-schoolers know the joy of stories and can often ‘sing back’ favourite books. The conversations adults have with them, using singalong simple, rhythmic, early picture books help support children as they acquire language skills and develop their thinking skills.

With this in mind, I read the stories on my Stories With Sarah YouTube channel so parents could share them with their children and ask their children questions as they shared the experience.

The YouTube Channel, Stories with Sarah was created to illustrate the ways of reading exemplified in the Readit2 programme.


"Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man."

– Aristotle


“A fabulous resource to find out what children know and are interested in, I was surprised to see G talk so knowledgeably about the piece of map in his box…my Reception children love them and I was able to use them in so many ways.”

“My children love those Guatemalan worry dolls and the jewels.”

Reception teachers