Inspiring Joyful Interactions with Laughter, Love and Kindness.
Keynote speaker, author, early years trainer, teacher.
Programmes and Workshops
These programmes and offerings are designed to help children improve their behaviour, calm their minds and excite their creativity resulting in increased joy.
How many books did you read about your baby, your toddler, or your growing child?
We are only ever a couple of clicks away from an array of information on children. Across the world, there are guidelines on how to nurture the under 7. But when your child seems out of balance and doesn’t follow the natural pattern of development, it can be really worrying and often overwhelming.
Isn’t every human being unique and special? Indeed, and we all want joyful, kind and happy children, don’t we?
But parenting and indeed teaching, doesn’t come with a handbook. In practice, all children are unique and special and even the training given to professionals doesn’t seem to reflect how many children develop. But I do believe that tuning into children, showing them, they matter, coupled with kindness and my 40-plus years can help you.
Here I share ideas that have been successfully implemented to develop those emotional bonds in scores of schools – the READIT2 programme, the Discovery Packs and a plethora of other ideas.
Other Offerings
I offer:
READIT2 is a one-to-one reading programme that trains adults to inspire children to love to read and learn. Implemented in scores of schools and EY settings across the UK.
Readit2: Ten Magic Minutes - Supporting Children to Love Books
A tried and tested effective early literacy programme that will improve the reading of all 3 - 7-year olds. At its core is the programme’s unique emphasis on the development of an emotional attachment to reading and learning; it is this daily one-to-one reading experience between a child and an expert practitioner that has been proven to make the difference.
Prof David Messer, from the OPEN UNIVERSITY, carried out this analysis of the data from a number of schools that had recently taken part in the programme with children in Nursery and Reception. The data reflects the impact on children in receipt of the EYPP and in many cases on the SEND register.
Encouraging information was that at the beginning of the study only 8% of the children recognised letters and 24% recognised their own name, four months later the respective figures were 65% and 84%
The data analysis following the daily intervention over a 4-month period showed significant impact in the following areas
- Difficulty in keeping his/her interest (reduced)
- Happy to talk about the books (increased)
- Good mood at the end of the session (increased)
- Completes sentence/fills in missing words (increased)
- Points at words and letters (increased)
Discovery Packs
A box full of creative potential for little hands with big minds, recycled, upcycled, handmade and unique.
A treasure trove of goodies jam-packed into colourful little boxes, made for little hands with big curious minds…
Interested in purchasing some Discovery Packs? Prices from £10 a pack!
Planned with ‘Intent’ for Children to:
Has your child recently started school?
Are you curious as to what schools wish your child to be able to do?
Do you find yourself spending more time than you would like on your devices – at work and for leisure? Do you have a Kindle? A Satnav? A smartphone? Have you replaced these for the cookery book, the map and the book...?
Do you find it difficult to pull your child away from a device?
Devices are created to draw people in, to get them hooked. Some of us rarely use recipe books, map books, paper tickets any more.
This can mean that today’s children don’t witness adults write, or read apart from on a device.
Children learn and become what they see the important adults in their lives say and do.
These Discovery packs contain a range of examples of everyday print to prompt conversation and support children to understand why reading and writing are important. A ‘crazy/silly’ question encourages conversation, counting, data handling and thinking, all skills required of children when they start school and are great ways to embed teaching.
Stories with Sarah - Free Resource
I love reading stories with children and throughout my long career have at all times championed the daily story time for all primary classes. Picture books are amazing resources for ALL. I believe STORYTIME to be the one primary educational activity that ALL children can access and I believe it to be the bedrock of the school day.
Literacy-orientated pre-schoolers know the joy of stories and can often ‘sing back’ favourite books. The conversations adults have with them, using singalong simple, rhythmic, early picture books help support children as they acquire language skills and develop their thinking skills.
With this in mind, I read the stories on my Stories With Sarah YouTube channel so parents could share them with their children and ask their children questions as they shared the experience.
The YouTube Channel, Stories with Sarah was created to illustrate the ways of reading exemplified in the Readit2 programme.